We Offer Unlimited Flat-Rate Shipping! Details Here.

Flat-Rate Shipping

We pride ourselves on sourcing from multiple vendors and locations. This can lead to potential headaches with excessive shipping charges. To remedy this, we’ve instituted Flat-Rate Shipping. What this means for you is one single shipping price per order – even on products from multiple locations.

Please note: Multiple items from a single order may ship separately. You’ll receive a tracking number for each one.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us support@henhobby.com

United States

$9.98 Per Order

Unlimited Products. Order 1 product or 100 and pay one price.

Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico

$21.98 Per Order

Most products. Unfortunately, some of our vendors are unable to ship to certain locations. Any products that may not be available in your region will be clearly marked as such.

Rest of the World

$29.98 Per Order

Most products. Unfortunately, some of our vendors are unable to ship to certain locations. Any products that may not be available in your region will be clearly marked as such.

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